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Terms and conditions

The terms of use in the website Jewish Note are conditioned by accepting the following rules:


This site presents notes and chords for Israeli songs.

The copyrights belong to the artists and ACUM.

The content was made for the individual’s use and should not be used commercially.

Songs Acquisition

On this site, a single song or a package of songs may be acquired.

The sheet music appears cut and can only be seen fully after pressing “print”.

Acquiring the song does not permit the buyer the right to any commercial use of the site’s content.

Canceling Purchase

Free songs can be found on the website for the individual’s own impression.

It is the individual’s responsibility to assure his or her satisfaction with the web site’s content by experiencing the free songs.

There can be no canceling of the deal after purchasing.


The information received about the user serves only for his or her application and subscription.

I hereby commit not to transfer it to any other part except in case of turning to the court due to infringement of the website’s rules by the user.

Forum and Boards

This website offers forums and boards utilities.

The users must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not upload any harmful content, both materially and spiritually.
  • Do not upload photos without copyrights or photos that violate a person’s privacy.
  • Do not upload revealing photos.
  • The user commits to writing in every forum or board only contents that are his or her intellectual property.

Tho owner of this website does not commit to uploading songs requested in the forum., including by those who purchased a subscription. Tho owner of this website reserves himself the right to decide to which requests he shall comply.

Withdrawal of Responsibility

While checking the content being published in the forums and the boards, this website does not take responsibility for the entire content being published in it, including offending content to any person.

This site does not take any responsibility for the photos uploaded to the forums and boards.

This site does not take any responsibility for the credibility and accuracy of the details found in the forums and boards.

This site does not take any responsibility in case any harm will be inflicted to the user.

Using this website is the user’s responsibility only.


It is the user’s legal duty to compensate this website and its employees due to any lawsuit, damage, or loss caused to the site, including lawyer’s fees following any infringement on your behalf.

This website reserves the right to publish your personal information in case of legal action in case of violating any of the terms above.


Using this site you consent to the validation of this document for you in case of standing in front of the justice system in the state of Israel.

